Five Tips to Help Parents Enhance Child Development

  • Pristine Pearls Eyes Childcare

Categories: Childcare Services Daycare Daycare Services

Blog by Pristine Pearls Eyes Childcare

Childcare is the second home for your child where they grow and learn about the world. It is their haven where they explore their surroundings and build a foundation for their future. 

When selecting childcare for the little one, you need to ensure that they take care of the child’s holistic development using various tools and techniques. Under classmates’ proper guidance and companionship, kids tend to bloom like fresh flowers during the spring season.

If you’re looking for childcare, here’s a list of the top five things to look for in enhancing child development. 

Tip #1: Make children watch TV programs and cartoons
As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, television and other entertainment media should be avoided for children under. Once the child is in preschool, you can show them high-quality content meant for kids, including some educational and cartoon programs. There are plenty of options available to help your child’s holistic development. To name a few - The Backyardigans, Super Why, Bubble Guppies, Team Umizoomi, Dora The Explorer, and Between the Lions are great choices. Of course, YouTube also has excellent content in the Kids’ space. 

Tip #2: Limiting kids’ computer time
Establishing a “screen-free” zone is crucial for children where parents do not allow them to use television or other gadgets like video games in children’s bedrooms. This spare time can be utilized for a child’s physical and emotional well-being. Children must not spend more than an hour a day in front of a screen. Even this should be avoided if the child is not involved in any outdoor or physical activity.

Tip #3: Outdoor activities and games
In the fast-paced world, it is required that children stay in touch with elementary nature. For that, it is essential to instill the habit of introducing children to elementary nature from the very beginning. There are several activities that can help children stay connected with nature. These activities include playing with a ball, hide and seek, tag, capturing the flag and jumping a rope.

Tip #4: Gross motor skills
Activities involving the muscles of the children such as running, jumping or hopping. Such games allow them to stay active throughout the day and focus on their studies and hobbies better. These activities also help to develop their control and coordination.

Tip #5: Memory games
From an early age, children can recognize complex abstract things such as vehicle brands and country flags. This capacity, however, should be further improved through memory games and puzzles. Solving a puzzle is a fun way for your child, and it also helps them develop their reasoning skills. You can test each other’s memory by conducting a mock competition to see who is better in memory games. 

We hope you found our assistance. To avoid these and other mistakes, reach out to the experts at PRISTINE PEARLS EYES CHILDCARE

We also run exciting kindergarten and summer programs for kids between 4-7 years and 4-12 years.

For a complete list of our services, please click here. If you have any questions about preschool/daycare in Brampton, Ontario, we’d love to hear from youPlease contact us here